
Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur is known as the ‘City of Devotees’ lies 13 Km east from Kathmandu valley. Established by the Malla Kings, the medieval city has some of the finest examples of Newari art and architecture. The detailed repoussé work on The Golden Gate, the intricate carvings on the wooden struts, pillars, doors and windows of temples and palaces, the iconic pagoda temples and the beautifully carved stone sculptures - all these marvels make Bhaktapur Durbar Square a living museum and a repository of Kathmandu’s rich history and culture. Earlier Bhaktapur was known as Bhadgaon which means village of rice.

The old city of Bhaktapur is divided into three squares - The Durbar Square, Dattatraya Square and Taumadhi square. Each square is dotted with ancient temples and monuments of historical significance. Though the 2015 earthquake damaged many of Bhaktapur’s ancient buildings, some grand structures still remain standing and the reconstruction is almost done.

Some of the gems of Bhaktapur Durbar Square are:

The Golden Gate

Golden gate is the entrance to the 55 widow’s palace of Bhaktapur Durbar square one of the most important site of our tour.

Nyatpola Temple

This is pagoda style Five storied temples built by King Bhupitindra Malla in the 17th century. It is the tallest temple in Bhaktapur.

Bhairab Temple:

Bhairab Temple is situated close to Nyatpole Temple. The Bhairab Temple belongs to the god of terror.

Dattatraya temple

Dattatraya temple was built in the year 1427 A.D. This temple is believed to be built by the single trunk of a tree.

The National Art gallery

The National Art Gallery gallery contains ancient and medieval paintings belonging to Hindu and Buddhist schools.

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